The Human Papilloma Virus is a deadly virus that primarily infects genital parts, including the throat, mouth, anal area, cervix, and other areas. This is one of the common infections that can spread to any group of people at some point in their lives. Most individuals who test positive for HPV will recover from the infection without any treatment or symptoms, owing to their body’s ability to adapt and combat infections. However, after 10 or 20 years, they will receive a diagnosis of cancer. For decades, scientists have persistently sought to understand why some individuals successfully eradicate the HPV infection before it transforms into cancer cells, while others do not.
Are There Different Types of HPV?
Yeah, it’s true that various types of HPV strains can cause any type of cancer. The stage or condition of cancer varies depending on an individual’s medical condition. There are various types of HPV strains, including high-risk, low-risk, and other HPV strains.
HPV 16 and 18 are high-risk strains that can be a major reason for developing cancer cells in genital parts of the body, which include the cervical, vulva, penis, and anus. Moreover, 31, 33, 45, 52, and 58 are some other high-risk human papillomaviruses. Head and neck cancer comes under high-risk HPV strains that can be seen in both men and women. Other high-risk human papillomaviruses include 31, 33, 45, 52, 58, and a few others.
HPV 6 and 11 are low-risk HPV strains that can cause about 90% of genital warts, which rarely develop into cancer and look like bumps. Sometimes shaped like a cauliflower, which can be shown to you in months or weeks just after having sex with your partner.
Why Is HPV Positive Head and Neck Cancer Spreading Rapidly?
Even scientists are unable to identify a solid reason for getting an oral HPV infection. However, it has been determined that HPV viruses catch up with infection when viruses are available in the genital area for a long time, significantly becoming a victim of cervical, vulvar, penile, and anogenital cancer.
Research study findings believe that many individuals are engaging themselves in sexual activity with more than one partner and doing oral sex, ending up with HPV positive. Furthermore, this may start developing cancer cells in the head and neck area, which in turn is causing the incidence of oropharynx cancers to rise.
Common Signs and Symptoms of Head and Neck Cancer
1. Sore Throat
When you’ve had a sore throat for weeks or months and are not getting relief from treatments or medicines.
2. Ulcer or Lump
When you find any lumps, sores, or ulcers in the throat, tongue, and mouth that don’t heal for months.
3. Swallowing
If you feel any pain in the throat while swallowing, eating food, or drinking liquids.
4. Voice Change
When you notice some changes in your voice that show heaviness when you speak to someone.
5. Ear Pain
Continuous pain in the ear without any obvious cause.
6. Bleeding
Without any solid reason, your mouth, throat, and nose bleed heavily without any cause.
7. Weight Loss
Losing unexpected weight without doing any exercise, physical activity, or lifting heavy weights. Also, you’re consuming an unbalanced diet in your daily routine.
8. Cough
A chronic cough long-lasting for months or days even after trying different medicines or has blood in it.
All the aforementioned symptoms of head and neck cancer can be caused by HPV infections.If these stay for more than one week, contact your healthcare provider immediately for a detailed evaluation. HPV infection detection at an early stage somehow reduces the risk of head and neck, oral, and throat cancer.
What Are Different Treatment Options for Head and Neck Cancer?
Treatment options for head and neck cancer vary based on the type and stage of the cancer. Common approaches include:
If you’re seeking treatment options for head and neck cancer, you’ve landed on the right page. Les have a quick about them:
Surgery can be used to remove the affected cancer cells or tumors from the different parts of the body.
High-energy rays through radiation therapy are being used by healthcare experts to get rid of affected cancer cells.
A blend of radiation and chemotherapy helps experts in eliminating cancer cells from the body.
Immunotherapy boosts the immune system to fight against cancer disease.
Healthcare experts create a customized treatment plan for patients according to their cancer stage, location, and how adversely the cancer is developing in the head and neck.
Wrapping It Up
Oral cancer and neck and head cancer are similar and share the same symptoms, treatment, and diagnosis. When you read the blog from start to end. You will be able to understand about the deadly contagious disease. Cervical, throat, and oral are different types of cancer that can be caused by HPV infection. So, it is essential to visit a healthcare professional every 6 months for a physical examination and perform screening tests such as PSA tests and biopsy to help medical experts identify the reason for causing oral cancer. Apart from that, you can take the HPV vaccination at the age of 11 to 12 years, which reduces the risk of oral cancer.
Frequently Asked Questions About Oral Cancer
Can HPV cause head and neck cancer?
Yes, HPV can cause head and neck cancer that comes under oral cancer and doesn’t show any signs and symptoms in the initial phase. But after a few months, it can transform into cancer. You can easily identify this type of cancer, which includes lumps in the neck, sore throat, and ear pain, which helps in identifying the medical health condition of cancer.
What Is HPV Head and Neck Cancer?
Head and neck cancer comes under the high-risk strain of HPV that develops cancer cells in the body, which includes the tongue, throat, and tonsils. It can often happen when performing sexual activity with multiple partners. The diagnosis of cancer at an early stage will provide effective results.