HPV has been considered the cause of cancer due to the discovery of about 100 or more of those strains in recent years. Throat cancer, often seen in men, is linked to heavy alcohol consumption, smoking, and oral sex.
After going through the past figures of cancer disease, it is identified that HPV-16 is a primary type of cancer that has been associated with cases of oropharyngeal cancer. It is also referred to as throat cancer. Moreover, the HPV infection rate is rising every year at a steady rate.
Throat cancer generally occurs in between the throat (pharynx) and voice box (larynx). The flat cells in the throat start developing gradually and cover the inner lining of the throat. The voice box is positioned just beneath your throat and may be prone to developing throat cancer. The voice houses cartilage and the vocal cords that can produce some different sounds while speaking.
Throat Cancer: Signs And Symptoms
You can detect throat cancer by keeping in mind the following symptoms:
- Cough
- The speaking tone changed, showing heaviness.
- Facing difficulty while swallowing
- Ear pain
- Sore Throat
- Losing weight
When you observe any of the above symptoms, you must take advice from a general health practitioner, which helps you in suggesting the best advice.
Throat cancer risk can be reduced to some extent by taking the vaccine against HPV infections.
But taking advice from healthcare experts also reduces the risk of spreading infection. All boys and girls are required to take vaccination against HPV infection between the ages of 11 and 12 years.
What Are Different Types of Throat Cancer?
Throat cancer is commonly found either in the throat (pharyngeal cancer) or the voice box (laryngeal cancer)
Different types of throat cancer often develop the same types of cells, but some specific terms have been used often in the different parts of the throat where cancer starts its formation. Some types of throat cancers are mentioned below:-
Nasopharyngeal cancer is a throat cancer type that originates in the nasopharynx—this is a part of the throat that is just positioned behind the nose.
Oropharyngeal is a type of throat cancer that starts formulating cells just behind your nose.This type of cancer starts spreading infection in the lower section of the throat.
Laryngopharyngeal cancer—also known as hypopharyngeal cancer—starts producing aberrant cells. This lies slightly above the windpipe and esophagus.
Cancer starts developing cells in the upper part of the voice box, known as supraglottic cancer. This includes epiglottis, a cartilage that makes it difficult for people to eat food through a windpipe.
Risk Factors of Throat Cancer
Chewing Tobacco
Tobacco chewing is one of the major reasons for developing neck and head cancer.
Smoking Cigarette
Chain smokers have a higher risk of creating cancer disease than people who don’t smoke. Most people who are diagnosed with these types of cancers have a history of smoking or any other form of tobacco consumption. Smoking through pipes, cigars, cigarettes, or any other form doubles the risk of causing these cancers.
Alcohol Consumption
Excessive alcohol consumption is another major risk factor for throat cancer development.
People Age Above 50’s
People who are in their 50s have a higher risk of developing throat cancer than people in their 20s.
Unbalanced Diet Food
When you don’t get a rich diet of fruits and vegetables in your daily routine diet, the chances of throat cancer will increase. Incorporating rich fruits and vegetables to combat cancer, as they contain lots of antioxidants and nutrients.
If consuming highly salted fish and meat, Plummer-Vinson syndrome, caffeinated drinks, and Asian ancestry are some other risk factors associated with throat cancer.
Frequently Asked Questions Related To Throat Cancer
Can Hpv 6 And 11 Cause Throat Cancer?
HPV 6 and 11 are types of cancer that have a low risk of spreading HPV infections as they are more or more likely connected with warts. If throat cancer is identified at any stage, it takes 20 years or more.
How Does Hpv Cause Throat Cancer?
According to research studies, it is determined that having sexual intercourse with more than one partner engages them in oral sex practices. As a result, it enhances the risk of head and neck (oropharynx) cancers.
How Does Hpv Cause Throat Cancer?
HPV infection spreads in the throat while doing intimate kissing or oral sex. There is an uneven surface available in the back of the tongue and tonsils, providing a chance for viruses to enter the throat.